White Papers
What is Quality Control
Quality Control Frequency
Recommended Testing Regiment
Outsourcing versus Insourcing
Performing QC
Poor Image Report
Acceptance Testing
Recommended Testing Frequencies
Quality Control Procedures for Nuclear Medicine Gamma Cameras Sample of suggested quality control testing frequenc
Author/Organization |
Bar Phantom -Assesses Spatial Resolution -Assesses Linearity |
Center of Rotation -Assesses Alignment of Axis of Rotation |
High Count Uniformity -Assesses Planar and SPECT Uniformity |
Tomographic Phantom -Evaluates Overall SPECT Performance, Resolution, COR, Attenuation Correction |
L. Graham, Ph.D., Fellow, American College of Radiology1 |
Every 1 week |
Every 2 weeks |
Every 2 weeks |
At Acceptance After Repair At least every 3 Months |
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations2 |
At least every 3 Months |
At least every 3 Months |
At least every 3 Months |
At least every 3 Months |
V. Ficken, Ph. D., Fellow, American College of Nuclear Physicians3 |
Every 2 weeks |
Every 2 weeks |
Every 2 weeks |
Every 2 weeks |
American College of Radiology4 |
Every 1 week |
At least every 1 year |
At least every 1 year |
At least every 1 year |
1 or 2 weeks |
1 or 2 weeks |
1 or 2 weeks |
Quarterly |
American Society of Nuclear Cardiology6 |
Every 1 week |
Every 1 or 2 weeks |
Comments |
Usually stable, but critical for quality images. |
Usually very stable, but critical for quality images. |
System dependent, critical for quality images. |
Assesses overall SPECT performance Assesses critical elements of other 3 tests. |
1Quality Control Procedures and Programs for Nuclear Medicine, AAPM, 1998
2Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, JCAHO 1997
3SPECT Quality Control: A Program Recommended by the ACNP, Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology V22:4 Dec 1994
4ACR Standard for Medical Nuclear Physics Performance Monitoring of Nuclear Medicine Imaging Equipment, ACR, 1999
5Recommendations for Implementing SPECT Quality Control, NEMA,1998
6Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, J/F 2001